Running a Station

Station Call Email

Station registration is still open for NiteHike 2024! For more information, including a map of site locations, have a look at the menu to the left. Stations will be assigned on a first come first served basis, with priority given to groups who are:

First: Returning to the same location as last year;
Second: Returning from last year, but moving to a new location; and
Third: New groups running stations for the first time.

ALL stations must register their intentions by March 8th 2024 to give us time to put together the maps and mark sheets

Planning and General Information

Click here... to read more about what you need to do to plan and run a station for Nitehike.

Park Rules

Everyone must read and understand the Metro Vancouver Pacific Spirit Park Rules. Click here... to read them.

Site Information

Click here... to read a brief description of each site.

Click here... to view coordinates for each site (GPS, Google Maps and 'What 3 Words')

Station Registration

Click here... to access new Station Registration form, online and easy to complete. Ideally this page should be accessed from a desktop computer

If you do not have all the information required, submit as much as you can in order to confirm your station number. You will be sent a confirmation email containing a link that will allow you to go back and edit the form later.

All fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) are required. If you do not have all the required information to complete this form, please do not use "TBA". Please gather the required information and return to complete this form.